Reanimator Ltd

High-performance coding by Eddie Edwards

Commenting Policy

05 Mar 2012, 20:48 UTC

The commenting policy here is as follows:

  1. Please be polite and respectful at all times.
  2. No swearing.
  3. Spam will be deleted.

Regarding identification on comments:

  1. You do not need to log in to comment (I hate sites that make you log in to comment!)
  2. If you are not logged in, you can leave the name field blank to comment anonymously, or you can write your name.
  3. If you log in you can edit or delete comments you make.
  4. When logged in, you can still edit the name field. The site remembers your preferred name. Only this name, and your comment, are visible to other people.
  5. Login uses Google (e.g. gmail login) so it should be no hassle for many people. Google gives me your email address, but I don't save it anywhere or use it for any reason.
  6. Anonymous inflammatory comments are likely to be deleted. Comments from logged-in people are more likely to survive.

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